Now Hiring and Collaborators

Video Maker
We are looking for junior and senior Video Maker to work on app presentations show case.

Objective-C Developers

We are looking for junior and senior developers who can work remotely on self-managing projects.
You should be a team player with solid knowledge of Apple frameworks such as AppKit, and UIKit.

Swift macOS and iOS Developers
We are looking for junior developers who can work remotely on self-managing projects.

You should be a team player with solid knowledge of Swift for macOS and for iOS.

Objective-C - C++ Senior Developers

We are looking for senior developers who can work remotely to get involved on future, self-managed projects or project components.
You should be a team player with solid knowledge of Apple frameworks such as Metal, OpenGL, Core Audio, and Core Graphics.

If interested in any of the above opportunities, please send a cover letter and résumé to the following address: